Most people are persuaded that anyone who speaks or writes about a ramified ‘world conspiracy’ is a fraud or a fool. Constrained by propaganda and the straitjacket of geo-political orthodoxy, signs of the workings of conspiracy and evidence of its effect on world politics and events inevitably go unrecognized or are misconstrued and erroneously attributed to the vagueries of happenstance and coincidence. However, rigorous forensic investigation and cogent cross-examination of an ostensibly randomly occuring number or sequence of events has time and again revealed previously unidentified or undetected evidence of the existence of a covert, invariably political or financial (frequently a combination of both) moving force. Exerted by or on behalf of a politically reactionary cabal (a criminal network of conspirators intent on the impostion or advancement of a self-serving secret agenda), this force is the prime mover of events in which coincidence plays no significant part. During a cabinet meeting in the White House in February 1981 at which the cabinet secretaries reported to newly inaugurated US president Ronald Reagan (33rd degree freemason and Knight of Malta) what they had learned about their agencies in the first couple of weeks of the Republican administration, the president asked William Casey (Knight of Malta) what he saw as his goal as director of the CIA. In part Casey enthusiastically replied, “We’ll know our disinformation programme is a success when everything the american public believes is false.”
Heterosexual individuals who refuse to indulge or validate the psychological aberrations and delusions of transgenders are arbitrarily deemed to be suffering from the mental disorder of ‘transphobia’ and are therefore pathologically maladjusted. Likewise, heterosexuals who regard the sexual orientation of homosexuals as morally repugnant or degenerate are also pathologically maladjusted, but in those cases suffer from ‘homophobia’. Of course individuals who express revulsion for homosexuality or transgenderism are invariably disapproving of both and ipso facto suffer from ‘homotransphobia’. That being the case, it is hard to see what purpose is served by the other two terms since this third one makes them redundant. However, when this reactionary ‘psychiatric diagnostic methodology’ is stood on its head and applied to homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals and pederasts, their shared predispositon to exhibit a deeply ingrained antipathy, if not pathological hostility toward heterosexuals may be reasonably interpreted as being indicative of a state of psychological maladjustment or ‘heterophobia’. Wherever and whenever it is politically damaging or is otherwise prejudicial to the interests of the LGBTPEDO social engineering project, ‘weaponized’ terms are used to disparage and impugn opponents who have the temerity to challenge the agenda which having received the endorsement of goverment, mass media and academia has thereby been miraculously invested with an unimpeachable political and moral authority to which any challenge or manifestation of resistance is characterized as being offensive to public sensibilities and not therefore ‘politically correct’. No one should doubt that we live in an era of insufferable psychological repression, a period of political, religious and judicial despotism in which the elevation of ethics, repudiation of nihilism, rejection of vice and an uncompromising committment to truth are proscribed because ironically, in the final analysis, these moral imperatives are in the ‘weaponized’ language of LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents ‘homophobic’, ‘transphobic’ and ‘homotransphobic’.
Unlike too many mothers, wives, sisters and daughters who have been seduced by LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ propaganda, most mentally well-balanced heterosexual men and boys continue to resist being browbeaten, shamed or otherwise coerced into expressing support for an iniquitous social engineering project advanced by and on behalf of a political cabal of influential homosexuals, crypto female to male transgenders and ironically in the case of third wave dyke feminism, crypto male to female transgender impostors and their overwhelmingly heterosexual female dupes. LGBTPEDO ideology taught in universities, schools and even kindergartens is rapidly corrupting the minds of children and young people in order to prime them to blindly accept the subsequent normalization of paedophilia. Despite the pernicious pseudo-scientific doubletalk issuing daily from proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project in support of their ridiculous attempts to deny reality, it remains a plainly observable biological fact that grotesque surgical mutilation of genitalia and breast tissue in conjunction with the injection of hormones does not change a man into a woman or a woman into a man. A man may impersonate a woman, but while doing so remains a man. Likewise, a woman may impersonate a man, but by definition is not one.
Every psychiatrist, paediatrician and surgeon must be given notice that validation and reinforcement of a child’s ‘gender identity disorder’ by means of voodoo psychotherapy, hormone injections and so-called gender reassignment surgery is an unethical and morally repugnant offence for which at some point in the future (case law and legal precedent permitting) any doctor previously participating in such practices will have their name struck from the medical register and be subject to criminal liability. Gynaecologists who register fake abortions, paediatricians who register fake births, surgeons who secretly undertake surgical reconstruction of male genitalia to simulate female genitalia (and vice versa), carry out lower ribs’ removal (on male to female transgenders), hysterectomies, mastectomies, breast implantation and facial feminization (or masculization) surgery and general practitioners who supply hormones are all indispensable players in the crypto transgender deception. The children crypto male to female transgenders claim to give birth to are ‘acquired’ by way of clandestine adoption or secret surrogacy (for impostors who retain functioning male genitalia and are able to produce the sperm required) and made victims of generational gender inversion with the complicity of doctors who officially register false sexual identities for newborn babies and later in their development (unless introduction began in vitro) covertly administer hormones of that sex. There is no ethical justification for this ‘treatment’ and doctors who are party to it and there are many, are guilty of prolonged and systematic child abuse no matter what the law says.
Radical feminists and proponents of LGBTPEDO ideology are using the women’s rights movement as a vehicle for the propagation of virulent misandry and for this purpose have ‘weaponized’ language, coining a patently fraudulent nomenclature of negative and disparaging terms intended to shame, undermine and ultimately emasculate heterosexual men and boys. Ironically, ‘rape culture’, ‘gender violence’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ are all terms which may be fairly construed as ‘hatespeech’, which is itself a ‘weaponized’ term routinely bandied about to suppress the free speech of opponents of radical feminism and LGBTPEDO ideology whose proponents are assiduously promulgating the use of so-called ‘politically correct’ (another ‘weaponized’ term) language which manifests as an inhibiting combination of socially engineered censure and legal prohibition intended to deter the expression of opinions deemed morally reprehensible and therefore not only properly subject to condemnation, but in certain cases also punishable under the law.
‘Rape culture’, a devisive, inflammatory and essentially fraudulent term invokes an image of a society in which the rape of women and girls is endemic. Designed to induce women to view men as sexual predators by dint of their inability to suppress alleged violent sexual impulses inherent in their psychological make-up, the term is one of many in the lexicon of ‘weaponized’ language contrived by radical feminists which has penetrated the mainstream and is now in common use. By virtue of their sexual orientation, homosexual men are not implicated in this phantom epidemic of rape and therefore remain morally untainted, collectively escaping the stigma and suspicion that use of the term ‘rape culture’ inspires and attaches indiscriminately to heterosexual men and boys. Under cover of the politically expedient and fraudulent psychopathological characterization of masculinity as ‘toxic’ (which implicitly does not pertain to homosexual men), radical feminists and LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents are subverting and impoverishing relations between heterosexual men and women while diverting attention away from the incidence of homosexual rape perpetrated by both inmates and guards within the prison system, the rape of boys by pederasts among supervisory staff in childen’s residential care homes and detention centres and the rape of men and boys in society at large.
The enforced close confinement of large numbers of prison inmates inevitably produces a much higher incidence of sexual assault than in the wider society. Inmates in women’s prisons, exposed to risk of sexual assault perpetrated by both lesbian inmates and guards (female and male) now face the added risk of rape perpetrated by male to female transgender felons. Under the rubric of civil rights legislation these men (who while undergoing so-called gender reassignment prior to their imprisonment have not had their genitalia surgically reconstructed to simulate female genitalia, there being no statutory requirement to do so to officially qualify as female) are now legally entitled to serve their time in women’s prisons. This is just one more bizarre result of the delusional thinking which persists among the pathologically amoral sponsors and proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project (whose over-representation and contaminating influence within government legislative committees, the judiciary and throughout state bureaucracy constitutes a powerful political driving force). LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents consistently employ tortuous semantics, contemptible sophistic deception and legal fiction in support of fallacious civil rights issues in an insane crusade to refute reality and the undeniable fact that sex and gender are the same thing. The politically naive and largely indifferent rank and file of civil servants (and the public in general) remain ignorant of the hidden agenda and unaware of the pervasive presence and sinister role played by crypto transgender, homosexual, lesbian and paedophile politicians, jurists, lawyers, academics and doctors who in their capacity as legislators are making public policy decisions which serve to legitimize amoral and sexually aberrant behaviour as part of an iniquitous programme of social engineering advanced in the guise of progressive social policy.
The women’s rights movement is infested with crypto male to female transgender impostors who despite their earnestly professed feminist ideals, ostensibly good works and claims of dedication to the ’cause’ collectively constitute a defacto political fifth column allied to or in the service of a pathologically mysoginistic homo-satanic cult. Simone de Beauvoir, champion of the crusade for the rights of women, revered by the liberal intelligentsia and lauded in feminist circles everywhere for the inception of ‘Second Wave’ feminism famously said, “One is not born, but becomes a woman.” That was the considered opinion of a crypto male to female transgender impostor and liar whose sexually subversive legacy has in large part contributed to the crippling of relations between heterosexual men and women during the intervening seventy years since he made that deceptively ambiguous pronouncement. Beauvoir wore his irrepressible egotism and bogus moral superiority on his sleeve declaring, “I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for the truth and truth rewarded me.” That mysterious reward was surely the reason he felt impelled to piously reiterate, “Defending the truth is not something one does out of a sense of duty or to allay guilt complexes, but is a reward in itself.” These ‘profound’ pronouncements are the measure of the unbridled hubris and mendacity of a pathologically maladjusted man who like many others before and since spent his life impersonating a woman using deception and an insidious imposture as cover for his cynical psychological manipulation of unsuspecting heterosexual women and girls who have in their millions been duped into accepting a fraudulent and culturally pernicious representation of patriarchy which portrays heterosexual men as their oppressors.
In 1943 Beauvoir was suspended from teaching at the Lycée Molière in Paris as a result of being accused by Natalie Sorokine (one of his ex-pupils) of sexually molesting her in 1939. Criminal charges were brought against Beauvoir for debauching a minor by Sorokine’s parents which they were eventually persuaded to drop. She Came To Stay, Beauvoir’s first novel published in 1943 is a thinly disguised account of the sexual relationship Jean-Paul Sartre and he shared with Wanda Kosakiewicz and her sister Olga (one of Beauvoir’s pupils), both of whom attended the secondary school in Rouen where Beauvoir was a teacher during the early nineteen thirties. In her book A Disgraceful Affair published in 1996, Bianca Lamblin accuses Beauvoir of sexually ‘exploiting’ her while she was his pupil at the Lycée Molière in 1938. In his most famous book The Second Sex published in 1949, Beauvoir postulated a transparently specious distinction between sex and gender which was an entirely predictable and disingenuous attempt by a compulsive liar who spent his life impersonating a woman to validate his insidious imposture. He blatantly articulated his perverse aspirations and twisted motivations when he said, “In my opinion, as long as the family and the myth of the family and the myth of maternity and the maternal instinct are not destroyed, women will still be oppressed.”
Many crypto male to female transgender impostors fraudulently establish their biological credentials as ‘authentic’ women with claims of having given birth to children (some even going so far as to fake pregnancy) or having had abortions and sometimes both and in this way assume the license to pontificate on the nature of childbearing and motherhood. Simone de Beauvoir’s so-called sister Henriette-Hélène and their so-called mother Françoise were also crypto male to female transgender impostors. Evidently, Simone and Henriette-Hélène were subjected to generational gender inversion and presumably so was Françoise. Simone de Beauvoir became a prominent activist in France’s women’s liberation movement and in 1971 wrote and signed the Manifesto of the 343 which was issued on April 5th of that year at the Paris offices of the magazine Le Nouvel Observateur. 343 French feminists who claimed to have had an abortion were signatories to the statement which begins thus, ‘One million women in France have abortions every year (this was an unabashedly spurious and statistically unfounded claim for the number of illegal and therefore unrecorded abortions carried out in any year prior to 1974 when abortion was legalized in France). Condemned to secrecy they do so in dangerous conditions, while under medical supervision this is one of the simplest procedures. Society is silencing these millions of women. I declare that I am one of them. I declare that I have had an abortion. Just as we demand free access to contraception, we demand the freedom to have an abortion.’ The list of signatories to the manifesto which includes Henriette-Hélène de Beauvoir reads like a Who’s Who of famous and influential French crypto male to female transgender impostors (presumably some of whom are or of those since deceased were cabalists or secret Sabbatean initiates) whose claims of having had an abortion were of course bogus.
In 1977 Beauvoir, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes and Jean-Paul Sartre among other elite members of France’s intelligentsia were the principle signatories to a petition presented to the French government calling for the repeal of the age of consent. In answer to a question put to him by Betty Friedan in an interview, Simone de Beauvoir declared, “No, we don’t believe that any woman should have this choice. No woman should be authorized to stay at home to bring up her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice too many women will make that one. It is a way of forcing women in a certain direction.” Precisely who the “we” were who didn’t believe that women should have the choice to stay at home and bring up their children is anybody’s guess. Moreover, exactly who or what entity Beauvoir is referring to as having the despotic power to prohibit such a choice it has not “authorized” remains to be seen. As for “forcing women in a certain direction”, it is Beauvoir’s wish that this reactionary and unidentified power should be the entity forcing or coercing women who wish to do so, not to stay at home and bring up their children. Obviously the chilling irony of Beauvoir’s pernicious aspirations was lost on herself and Friedan and no doubt still is on many thousands of misguided feminists.
Betty Friedan, crypto male to female transgender, counterfeit doyen of the feminist ‘Second Wave’ and author of The Feminine Mystique (whose ridiculous female imposture mysteriously illudes opponents of feminism and feminists alike despite being little better than a crude caricature of a grotesque male transvestite) was one of the founding members and first president of the National Organization of Women, established in Washington DC in 1966. Like inumerable crypto male to female transgender impostors, Friedan posed as a wife and biological mother of children who were from necessity conceived in vitro and subsequently carried to term by secret surrogates or clandestinely ‘adopted’ in order to provide cover for the deception she perpetrated. Gloria Steinem (ex-CIA agent), one of the many crypto male to female transgender impostors everywhere embedded in the women’s rights movement who together with Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan (both crypto male to female transgenders) founded the Women’s Media Centre in 2005, shamelessly and famously claims to have had an abortion which is of course a lie. In My LIfe on the Road which is a largely fictitious ‘memoir’ published in 2015, Steinem, who was at one time a columnist for New York magazine and well practiced in ‘story’ writing declares, “Dr. John Sharpe of London, who in 1957, a decade before physicians in England could legally perform an abortion for any reason other than the health of the woman, took the considerable risk of referring for an abortion a twenty two year old american on her way to India. Knowing only that she had broken an engagement at home to seek an unknown fate, he said, ‘You must promise me two things. First, you will not tell anyone my name. Second, you will do what you want to do with your life.’
Female impersonators frequently affect the role of biological mother of the children in their care, while the more audacious not only make claim to giving birth to them, but also to having had an abortion. Crypto male to female transgender impostor claims of experiencing childbirth, abortion and in some instances both are intended to falsely establish their biological credentials as ‘authentic’ women which provides the cover essential to sustain the deception they perpetrate throughout their lives. This is no mean feat requiring a boundless capacity for deception which they employ in a single-minded mission to conceal the fact that they are engaged in a lifelong female impersonation, a task far more demanding in every conceivable way than the comparatively easy deception they perpetrate in assuming their public personas as ardent feminists and social reformers apparently dedicated to the cause of women’s rights. Nevertheless, establishing and maintaining the subterfuge requires the connivance of doctors and clinicians many of whom are crypto transgender assets embedded within the medical profession working covertly for the advancement of the social engineering programme sponsored by the diabolical cult to which they have pledged themselves.
Feted by the leadership (and regretably by the majority of the rank and file) of the women’s rights movement and greatly admired in liberal political circles and among every colour and stripe of LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ organizations, all of which studiously avoid giving any indication that they are fully aware that Michelle Obama, widely acclaimed as a staunch feminist, vociferous campaigner for social justice and dedicated advocate for human rights is in fact a crypto male to female transgender impostor (who has retained his male genitalia) whose public portrayal of the doting wife of ex-US president and 33rd degree freemason Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro whose birth certificate, posted on the official White House website in 2011 has proven to be a forgery) and self sacrificing ‘working’ mother of two children (both victims of generational male to female gender inversion, clandestinely ‘adopted’ or conceived in vitro and subsequently carried to term by surrogates sworn to secrecy) is an entirely bogus public persona projected by a mass media machine long since engaged in waging a psychological war on the public consciousness. It should be clearly understood that Michelle Obama’s obscene imposture serves to promulgate an iniquitous social engineering agenda in which regardless of race, the best interests of heterosexual women and men (and children) are held in absolute contempt. Moreover, throughout society barely concealed, if not glaring gender deception has been and continues to be perpetrated by many other socially and politically influential crypto transgenders who by definition cannot be regarded as reflecting the social, economic and political aspirations of heterosexual women or men, nor can they be pointed to as so-called role models for them.
The alarmingly widespread incidence of delusional thinking and the pathologically aberrant behaviour associated with it (not confined to transgenders) are symptomatic of a psychologically debilitating and socially corrosive malaise characterized by a pernicious indifference to truth and the denial of reality. In New Zealand it is no longer necessary to criminally falsify an individuals sexual identity on a birth or death certificate and forge adoption papers (to subsequently fraudulently acquire a passport, drivers license and social security or voter registration card etc). The associated risks and extra financial costs incurred due to bribes and kickbacks paid to corrupt doctors, lawyers, police officers, government bureaucrats and every conceivable kind of malefactor have at a stroke been eliminated by the goverment’s (the first in the world) introduction of so-called gender neutral birth certification. This incredible, but not inexplicable act can only be construed as an official dispensation granted to sexually delinquent and pathologically delusional guardians who at some unspecified point after the registration of the birth of a so-called gender neutral baby (subsequently placed in their care) intend to declare the child as being of the opposite sex prior to gender inversion. Registering the birth of a baby boy or girl as ‘gender neutral’ is perverse in the extreme and a denial not only of their humanity, but also of objective reality.
To refer to people as being ‘assigned’ their sex at birth is patently ridiculous. Nevertheless, this is the form of words used ad nauseam by LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents and foisted on the population by mass media and all manner of public and private institutions which are party to this socially degenerate agenda. A new born baby’s sex is obviously not a matter of anyone deciding that the infant is a boy or girl. The sex of an infant is not ‘established’ as a result of anyone making a choice simply because it is not in anyone’s power to do so. Neither is the sex of a new born baby a matter of opinion or preference since it is a demonstrably pre-existing matter of fact of which their genitalia is irrefutable proof. Furthermore, every day the sex of thousands of foetuses is routinely ascertained by means of ultrasound scanning, so any talk of infants being ‘assigned’ their sex at birth is doubly absurd and can only be regarded as the language of the delusional, but what is even more disturbing is that it is a form of words used by those who are fully aware that their pernicious claim is self-evidently false.
The prime minister of New Zealand is not, but ought to be notorious among New Zealanders and throughout the english speaking world at least, not just for being the principal sponsor of insane so-called gender neutral childbirth certification, but also because fake ex-mormon Jacinda Ardern is a poorly covered up crypto male to female transgender impostor who retains his male genitalia while posing as a wife and the biological mother of a baby said to be a girl. That so many millions of men and women could fail to notice anything so obvious is an astonishing phenomenon, a chilling real life parody of the tale of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, plainly not there to be seen even by a small boy and anyone else who was not craven, stupid or afraid. The sixty four thousand dollar question is what hidden power is at work that could make a pathologically delusional man who spends life badly impersonating a woman and mother the prime minister of a country?
After being elected to the Scottish parliament in 1999, Nicola Sturgeon, solicitor and graduate of law of the University of Glasgow served successively as the Scottish National Party’s shadow minister for education, health and justice. Contrary to appearances, the current First Minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party since November 2014 is a crypto male to female transgender impostor and not the first woman to hold either position as the public has been led to believe. In 2014, citing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Scottish parliament passed the Children and Young People Act arrogating to itself the right to assign a government official to oversee the welfare of every child and teenager living in Scotland. This individual, known as the Named Person is charged with the power of supervision of a child’s health, education, family life and general socialization until they are eighteen years old. The Named Person is invested with the legal authority to arbitrarily determine whether or not the ‘standard of parenting’ imposed by the Act is met, permitted to encourage children as young as five to ‘choose’ their gender identity and empowered to inculcate in their wards erroneous social and moral validation of homosexuality and lesbianism. Parents who object to this pernicious indoctrination have no legal right of appeal. Evidently, by means of specious ‘legal fiction’ the Scottish government has usurped the human rights, not only of the children and teenagers it pretends to defend, but also those of parents and families. In effect children and teenagers living in Scotland are putative (unless at some point before reaching the age of majority are made actual) wards of the state who ultimately do not belong to their parents.
A liaison in which both individuals are male to female transgenders is not a lesbian relationship, it is homosexual. Similarly, a liaison between two female to male transgenders is not homosexual, it is lesbian. For these couples the prefered sex of a prospective adoptee is the opposite of those predominating among their homosexual and lesbian counterparts. In other words, in a liaison between two male to female transgenders a shared preference for the adoption of boys exists and among female to male transgender couples the shared preference is for girls. However, in a liaison between a male to female and female to male transgender, girls and boys are equally desirable. Homosexual guardians rear children with pronounced homosexual tendencies although they may not necessarily engage in homosexual relations as adults. Transgender guardians on the other hand invariably rear boys as girls and girls as boys. Sponsored and facilitated by adoption agencies, child surrogacy and in vitro fertilization programmes, all of which have been mandated by government, these reprehensible practices have in effect been officially legitimized and constitute the legalization, if not the normalization of pathologically engendered child abuse, inevitably producing maladjusted adults predisposed to inflicting similar abuse on subsequent generations of children in their care.
There is no collective social pressure being brought to bear on women by men who en mass are shirking their responsibility for the rearing of children they have conceived and even if there was it could not account for the alarmingly large number of abortions millions of women throughout north America, Europe, the Antipodese and Scandinavia undergo each year. In all of these ‘first world’ territories every kind of contraception may not only be obtained from any drug store, pharmacy and supermarket, but is provided free in many countries by government clinics and general medical practitioners who will also conveniently dispense the ‘morning after’ pill in an emergency to any woman or girl who might otherwise come begging for an abortion. Women cite many reasons for having their pregnancies terminated, inevitably coersion by domineering husbands, common law spouses and boyfriends is one of them, but however contemptible and sorely condemned does not rank among the most common. Women are electing to have abortions with or without the knowledge of putative fathers and in spite not because of their wishes.
The prevention of serious or irreparable damage to women’s mental health is routinely cited by doctors as the reason for the vast majority of abortions. In the United Kingdom only sixteen abortions have been carried out to save the lives of women in the last ten years. A publicly unacknowledged social emergency exists for which men are not responsible and women will not be held accountable. Obviously, except for male doctors who carry them out, men (putative fathers) take no active part in abortions. Nevertheless, by way of social osmosis most men are at least vaguely aware that women regard them as morally culpable for the abortion of babies (even when they are against it) and implicitly expect men to shoulder the blame or at the very least share the shame of bearing silent witness to the obscenity of abortion on an industrial scale. Crucially, if men are guilty of anything, it is their abject failure to communicate to their mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and women in general any serious misgivings or enduring concern for the vast and rapidly escalating number of abortions carried out year after year. According to a UK Department of Health report, 207,384 abortions were carried out on women living in England and Wales in 2019, the largest number since the 1967 UK Abortion Act was passed.
Margaret Sanger, crypto male to female transgender impostor and founder of Planned Parenthood (America’s largest for profit operated chain of abortion clinics) was a eugenicist notorious for his disdain for the poor, disabled, racial minorities and african americans in particular. In Sanger’s dystopian plan called the American Baby Code published by American Weekly Magazine in 1934 article no.1 states, “The purpose of the American Baby Code should be to provide for a better distribution of babies to assist couples who wish to prevent overproduction of offspring and thus to reduce the burden of charity and taxation for public relief and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.” Sanger proposed that marriage licenses be issued to couples who would then have the right to establish ‘a common household’, but no concomitant right to parenthood. Article no.4 of the code states, “No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child and no man shall have the right to become a father without a permit for parenthood.” Taking into consideration his preoccupation with race it is hardly surprising that Sanger accepted an invitation to give a speech to an organization that shares that preoccupation, the Ku Klux Klan.
In his 1938 autobiography Sanger reminices on how well he got along with members of a New Jersey branch of the KKK and how as a welcome consequence received invitations to speak to like-minded groups. Naturally the KKK was impressed by Sanger’s Negro Project which was designed to reduce the number of african american babies born. The year following publication of his autobiography Sanger wrote to Clarence Gamble (a director of Planned Parenthood, heir to the Proctor and Gamble soap fortune, eugenicist and founder of Pathfinder International which promotes the use of contraception in the United States and sixty other countries) about the Negro Project saying, “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the negro population and the (reverend) minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” In Sanger’s book Woman and the New Race published in 1920 he declares, “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” Since legalization in 1973, 61 million (officially recorded) abortions have been carried out in the United States. In 2019, 42 million abortions were carried out worldwide.
In George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty Four, the first (possibly only) literary exposition of ‘weaponized’ language, a lexicon of words and terms contrived to propagate intellectual inertia and sustain a state of cognitive dissonance in the minds of the masses is elaborated. In its contemporary ‘real world’ form ‘weaponized’ language is used to circumscribe, stymy, repudiate and condemn or otherwise suppress unorthodox ideas, beliefs, sentiments and perceptions (without regard for any inherent validity or veracity) deemed not to be ‘politically correct’ (which is itself a ‘weaponized’ term) and therefore morally reprehensible, politically subversive or both.
Orwell’s narrative features a politically subversive treatise entitled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism which erroneously attributed to Emmanuel Goldstein, once a leading member of the Party (read government) turned renegade, renders an analysis of Newspeak, a vocabulary in development by the Party for the express purpose of reducing the number of words in the English language. By eliminating and substituting as many Oldspeak (standard English) words as possible with new words, some of which reverse the meaning of the words they replace and are the product of compounding two or three (distorting english grammar and narrowing the scope of syntax), the ability to form thoughts beyond those which are simplistic or superficial is diminished. Thus the depth or complexity of any discourse is truncated making the exposition of elaborate concepts and ideas extremely difficult, if not inconceivable. “Doublethink (selective amnesia) means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. The Party intellectual [The new aristocracy was made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organisers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists and professional politicians (and doctors)] knows in which direction his memories must be altered; he therefore knows that he is playing tricks with reality; but by the exercise of doublethink he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated. The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt."
Doublethink lies at the very heart of Ingsoc (read democracy), since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary. Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought (It is the conditioned reflexive mental suppression of crimethink, the Newspeak word meaning thought crime). It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”
Under the corrupting influence of feminist impostors whose fraudulent political rhetoric takes the form of specious claims of widespread male chauvinism (none of which are susceptible to interrogation under the barrage of ‘weaponised’ language consistently employed to deter any significant challenge from critics), heterosexual shiksa goyim are being led by their noses into a kosher ideological abbattoir, a social and political dead end. The decades long mass media continuum of human narratives ever more frequently portrays heterosexual men as emotionally and intellectually inadequate cyphers, socially inept and lacking the sensitivity to be aware of it, men who are in desperate need of the training and guidance only a woman can give them and forever be grateful to receive when they get it if they want to be regarded as civilized. No wonder then that millions of gullible heterosexual women, radical feminists and dykes are far too busy traducing heterosexual men to notice that influential crypto male to female transgenders have for all that time been schooling them in how to think and behave like delusional men who compulsively impersonate women.
Mysandry, encouraged by (but not only) influential crypto male to female transgender proponents of the radical feminist project has been politically and legally underwritten by the state. Overt anti-male discriminatory practices by government bureaucracy and a pronounced bias in favour of the interests of women persist even with regard to issues which affect substantially more men. Unacknowledged by women in general, state ‘sponsored’ misandry is having a progressively deleterious effect on how heterosexual men and boys are perceived in all walks of life. Routinely characterized as inherently disposed to chauvinism, they are ipso facto not entitled to or do not deserve treatment and consideration equal to that received by women and girls. To all intents and puposes men and boys are being penalised simply because they are male. They have been hamstrung by systemic disadvantage heaped upon them by the state, whereas the elevated social, economic and legal status of women and girls has been consolidated and is strictly enforced.
Systemic discrimination against men takes the form of a lien on their human rights and a corresponding diminution or narrowing of legislated means by which it might be rescinded is a compounding factor reversing any given or perceived disparity of rights between men and women. However, the socially subordinating statutory disadvantages accruing to men and boys consistently and deliberately conflated with the elevation and defence of the civil status of women and girls are routinely misrepresented by feminists and LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents and falsely characterized by bureaucrats and politicians (all of whom in varying degrees are complicit in the disenfranchisement of men) as having the effect of ‘safeguarding’ the ‘privileges’ conferred on women granting welfare benefits consistent with the provisions of the ‘social contract’ which standards, protocols and prescriptions have been calculated to induce and permanently sustain acute material dependence on and unquestioning subservience to the criminally constituted and forcibly maintained authority of the state particularly among women, the favoured beneficiaries of its ‘largesse’. Moreover, the ‘rewards’ of this devisive government policy alienate and detatch wives (both state sanctioned and common law), children and property from husbands and fathers who otherwise traditionally assume responsibility for their welfare and protection which role for all practical puposes has long since been supplanted.
The official dogma of democratic political parties has forever been a hostage to ideological contradictions even where no discernible reasons for them obtain. Thus parliamentarians and members of congress alike repudiate and violate every precept and principle for which democratic governance is reputed to stand, professing to do this in the noble cause of preserving or restoring, or restoring or preserving, in a pinch they might restore and preserve the good name of democracy while in the overblown rhetoric of election speeches, in hot pursuit of a standing ovation from indifferent electors ‘great’ statesmen and women will earnestly promise to preserve ‘and’ restore the good name of democracy, so all ‘good citizens’ can have their political cake and eat it too. Privately, professional politicians almost universally regard their electors as little more than ‘useless eaters’ and hold them in contempt as fierce as any once jealously guarded by the despots of history, but they trip over each other in their scramble to proffer ‘social security’ to the very legions of ‘useless eaters’ they secretly despise and by these and other devisive means systematically destabilize families, undermining the loyalty, mutual dependence and solidarity shared by their members and yet with no limits to their insufferable hubris and little if any appreciation for the subtleties of irony, politicians proudly call the political weapon they wield to inflict these injuries, welfare.
Armed with the political sledgehammer of the ‘social contract’ which has stymied recognition of their culpability in the wholesale suppression of the human rights of fathers, husbands, brothers and sons, women have enthusiastically assumed the role of government proxies. Suborned as vassals liable at any time to be conscripted to fight in the undeclared war prosecuted by the state against men in exchange for the ‘privileges’ conferred on them, the overwhelming majority of women and girls have accepted the political lien on the human rights of men and boys imposed on their behalf. The complicity of women in this regard has severely undermined the integrity, cohesion and autonomy of families and compromises the natural tendency or impulse among men to resist or at least challenge socially and economically unjustifiable or arbitrary demands and impositions intended to instill servility and ensure passivity in the face of the unconstrained and expanding arrogation of power by government. This self-invested executive power employed to override or ‘legally‘ overrule critical protocols of common law and the moral imperatives of God’s by which human rights are properly defined and conferred and which cannot therefore be extended to ‘citizens’ as ‘privileges’ has matastasized into criminal tyranny in pursuit of control over every single aspect of people’s lives. Typically giving sanction to the imposition of fines, seizure and permanent confiscation of property and imprisonment in order to deter resistance to the authority of the state, an all encompassing programme of social, political and eugenic engineering entirely based on a ruthless and Godless ideology is being rapidly advanced.
On October 15th 2020 the UK House of Commons voted by 313 votes to 98 to pass into law the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill. According to the Explanatory Memorandum which accompanied the Act, authorized agencies are permitted to “participate in criminal conduct where it is necessary and proportionate to do so for a limited set of specified puposes.” Authorization to commit a crime may be approved in “(a) the interests of national security, (b) for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime or of preventing disorder, or (c) in the interests of the economic well-being of the United Kingdom.” Criminal Conduct authorization renders illegal acts “lawful for all puposes.” Further, officers and personnel of the secret intelligence agencies (MI5 and MI6), the police, the National Crime Agency, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, the armed forces, the Department of Health and Social Care, the Home Office, the Ministry of Justice, the Competition and Markets Authority, the Environment Agency, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Food Standards Agency, the Gambling Commission and the Serious Fraud Office may be empowered to commit crimes (including murder) under protective cover of immunity from criminal prosecution guaranteed by the state. To say that government, all government has forever been established and maintained by means of criminal conspiracy allied to the ruthless use of brute force is not hyperbole. The United Kingdom government’s Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill (the first law of its kind enacted in the world) is official recognition of and stark testimony to this cruel historical fact.
It will be obvious to many people that the Corona virus pandemic is a freemasonic criminal hoax of monumental proportions. Nevertheless, well over half of the adult populations of the so-called democratic countries of north America, Europe the Antipodes and Scandinavia have unquestioningly embraced the deception and are perversely approving of punitive 'emergency' regulations indiscriminately imposed by the state which flagrantly and comprehensively violate freedom of thought, speech, movement and association (and much more besides) of not only themselves, but hundreds of millions of other people (the minority?) who vehemently oppose the tyrannical strictures of 'medical' marshall law and cannot be ponerologically induced to submit to the wholesale abrogation of their God-given human rights by criminally constituted government. Rapidly intensifying state (corporate) tyranny is being inflicted to enforce an implacable talmudic diktat marking the wolrdwide ascension of Noahide law. In close procession 'christian' democracies fall off the edge of the 'free' world, politically degenerating into overtly criminal regimes in their rush to be counted among the most draconian members of an international confederation of New World Order mandated dictatorships. The governments of the world have abandoned pretentions of being constrained in any way by democratic imperatives or principles of human rights.
A politically and scientifically illiterate majority of the populations of all the nominally democratic countries of the 'west' has blindly consented to or at the very least is grudgingly tolerant of the extreme social and economic impositions being foisted on society by the apparatus of the state, obstensively in the name of stemming a so-called public-health emergency even though it is a matter of fact that no 'virus' (of any kind) has ever been observed, much less isolated and photographed under electron microscope. So-called viruses are a figment of a moribund pseudo-scientific medical dogma and do not exist. Significantly the trenchant and energetically engaged majority of those amenable to the insufferable hypocrisy of the executive and the ruinous 'anti-pandemic' regulations it has spawned consists predominantly of women and girls. Moreover, it is from the adult female constituency of populations that the vast majority of healthcare administrators, doctors, nurses, paramedics, laboratory technicians, clinicians and essential ancillary medical personnel are drawn. The acute over-representation of women among healthcare professionals has meant that the ranks of medical personnel mobilized to stem the spreading of the fictitious pandemic are overwhelmingly female. Doctors, nurses and clinicians continue to carryout the harmful and thoroughly discredited 'medical' procedure of deeply swabbing the nasal cavities of test subjects with probes impregnated with ethylene oxide (a cancer causing agent) supposedly in order to detect the presence (or absence) of the mysteriously 'ever-mutating' and 'deadly' Corona virus. However, what is far more disturbing is the fact that under cover of mass ‘inoculation’ programmes of governments worldwide, legions of female (and male) healthcare professionals are administering lethal injections of graphene oxide (an extremely poisonous cytotoxin) to literally hundreds of millions of people in the guise of a so-called vaccine.
In Nineteen Eighty Four Orwell articulates the secret antipathy felt for women by the novel’s protagonist Winston Smith who works in the Records Department (Recdep) at the Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) thus, “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.” Even if these sentiments have no correlation to the civil status and role played by women in Britain during the early years succeeding World War Two when the novel was written or for that matter at any previous time in history (which is a moot point), Orwell’s unsympathetic characterization has in the seven decades intervening escaped the bounds of fiction and become a reality. Smith’s resentment of what he regards as the willingness of women to accept insufferably overbearing government control of the population and their marked inclination to voice approval of the imposition of social and economic measures to that end offers itself up to fierce condemnation not only by feminists, but women in general (and many men) who will regard Smith’s antipathy to them as an atavistic expression of unbridled mysoginy, insulting to their sensibilities and image of themselves despite an observable tendency significantly more common and pronounced among women than men to tacitly, if not actively support reactionary policies of government particularly where they manifest as a diminution of the civil status and common law rights of men and boys. This systemic political emasculation of men and boys is erroneously and consistently construed by the majority of women as being in their interests, but it serves only to consolidate the power of the state by displacing their loyalty and committment to their husbands (both state sanctioned and common law) and fathers of their children (roughly half of which are of course boys) for whom the essential contribution made by fathers to their protection, rearing and socialization is increasingly rejected by women in favour of the unnatural and insidious paternalism of the state for which the ‘social contract’ provides a corrupting material incentive and morally bankrupt validation.
Many women (and men) have not realized or simply do not care that discrimination in their favour has degenerated into an unqualified assault on the civil status of men and boys. Denial of the rights of men is not the natural, unavoidable and irrevocable consequence of the recognition of women’s rights which do not exist in lieu of and cannot be gained in exchange for the surrender of the rights of men. The inferior civil status of men is marked at the most basic level by scant and hopelessly inadequate government provision of emergency legal and financial assistance, whereas government and privately funded health, education, employment and housing programmes among others provided specifically for women and girls proliferate. Resentment, the full extent and intensity of which remains to be seen is being stored up by men in general and by fathers, husbands and common law spouses in particular who without any statutory legal redress despair of the transparently biased rulings made by family and divorce courts in flagrant breech of their parental and property rights. No doubt as the number of cases increases, so will the number of women who unhappily discover that it is plainly not in their interests to have their fathers, husbands, brothers and sons demoralized and impoverished as a result of the rough justice routinely meted out to men by the law courts.
In the prevailing political climate the value and extent of the positive contributions men make to society are largely ignored, if not openly and disingenuously denigrated. It remains to be seen how that is possible when towns, cities, industrial and transport infrastructure, the steel and concrete fabric of the built environment in which we live is and has always been almost entirely planned and constructed by men who from time to time are maimed or killed in the process. A simple weighing up of just a few ripe facts makes it clear that evidence for a better life lived by men is hard to find because it is ‘third wave’ dyke propaganda and does not exist. More men than women commit suicide. More men are victims of violent assault. More men are homeless. More men die in accidents at work. More men suffer chronic illness. More men suffer neglect in old age. Men have shorter life expectancy than women. Men are routinely denied custody of and access to their children by divorce and family courts. Men convicted of crimes receive longer sentences than women convicted of the same crimes. Men receive custodial sentences for committing the same crimes as women who receive non-custodial sentences. Men are paroled from prison later and less frequently than women. Men (and boys) are conscripted to kill and die in war they neither make nor want to fight. Women of course are not, at least not yet.
In 1999 Time Magazine listed Emmeline Pankhurst as one of the hundred most important people of the 20th century declaring that, “She shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back.” However, the image of the fearless crusader for women’s rights those words were no doubt intended to invoke is not consistent with the historical record. Despite founding the Women’s Social and Political Union (in 1898), Emmeline Pankhurst was not and never could have been a paragon of English womanhood and selfless social reformer in the cause of women’s political enfranchisement simply because the world renowned suffragist was a man. He was not a proto-feminist heroine in a crusade for social justice, nor were his four ‘adopted’ crypto male to female transgender sons. Pankhurst was nothing if not a staunch and vociferous supporter of the political establishment and jealously guarded his privileged position and influence within it. Predictably his name is not, but ought to be mud to those whose great and great, great grandfathers died (900,000) or were maimed and blinded in their hundreds of thousands, cannon fodder in The Great War in which neither Pankhurst or his sons were in any danger of being conscripted to fight and like the elite cabalist and Sabbatean overlords (on both sides) who engineered it, arrogantly expected millions of politically disenfranchised, but honour bound working-class men (and boys) to do their patriotic duty to ‘King and Country’ by fighting and dying in it.
The Women’s Social and Political Union became notorious when its activists smashed windows, committed arson and assaulted policemen. As a result Pankhurst and his sons served repeated, but short prison sentences ironically in Holloway women’s prison in London during which they staged hunger strikes in order that they should be cast as heroic champions of women’s suffrage in the mode of a passion play undoubtedly contrived with the connivance of their severely pathologically maladjusted, if not criminally insane crypto female to male transgender and homosexual freemason task masters entrenched at the highest levels of the establishment. Unlike a significant number of women from the WSPU rank and file who were also on hunger strike, the elevated social status of Pankhurst and his sons ensured they were not subjected to forced feeding by criminally culpable prison doctors or random assault meted out by beligerent warders. In stark contrast to the legions of men and boys who would be killed in The Great War, the survival of Pankhurst, his sons and other WSPU hunger strikers was of course a foregone conclusion. When the government declared war, Pankhurst demanded that all fit young men join the fight and called an immediate moratorium on suffrage activism, urging women to aid industrial production. Clearly, many millions of women have been and still are disappointingly credulous adherents to fraudulent feminist dogma (and the pernicious programme of social engineering promulgated by it) conceived in the delusional minds of men who secretly and compulsively pose as women. That there should be so many prominent and influential crypto male to female transgender impostors at the forefront of the women’s rights movement a century later is not an accident of history.
In August 1914, less than a month after the british government declared war on Germany, retired Vice-Admiral Charles Penrose Fitzgerald (a vociferous proponent for the introduction of mandatory military service) established the White Feather Brigade whose rank and file consisted of suffragists who like Penrose were in no danger of being killed, maimed or suffering the extreme psychological trauma inflicted on the soldiers in the field who ate, slept and died in their hundreds of thousands among rats and decomposing corpses in stinking mud and faeces filled trenches. Calculated to shame men into enlisting in the army, the crude and devisive campaign strategy adopted by the ‘Brigade’ was ruthlessly carried out by groups of suffragists who roamed the streets, haranguing and vilifying as cowards, not only unsuspecting men they encountered wearing civilian clothes (who ironically in many instances, like the women they were confronted by were not eligible to vote), but also boys too young to volunteer to join the army who the suffragists presented with white feathers intended to signify the cowardice of the recipients. Some of the men insulted in this way were infirm and disqualified from enlisting, while others were employed in essential professions. Many soldiers not in uniform, back in England on furlough or to receive treatment for ‘shell shock’ and others recovering from their wounds before being sent back to the battle front or too seriously injured (often poisoned by chlorine gas) to return to the ranks did not escape the public humiliation of the White Feather Brigade.
In January 1916, as a result of the enormous and rapidly mounting number of casualties among the soldiers at the front and in order to compensate for what the army chiefs of staff concluded was an insufficient number of men volunteering to enlist, the british government passed the Military Service Act subjecting single men aged eighteen to forty to conscription unless they were widowed with children or ministers of a religion. The following March the provisions of the Act were amended to include the induction of married men into the ranks. By the war’s end in 1918, the age limit for conscripts had been raised to fifty one. In these oppressive circumstances, tens of thousands of ambivalent conscripts reluctantly chose to take their chances in the trenches rather than be imprisoned for at least the duration of the war and have their family members ostracized, abused and in some instances subjected to assault at the hands of malicious and hostile neighbours. Conscientious objectors refusing to fight on moral, religious or political grounds were guaranteed a prison sentence and roundly condemned by suffragists who were firmly and unappologetically allied with the rabid warmongers in the military and political establishment. However, almost to a man ‘conchies’ elected to become medical orderlies in the field who although not engaged in combat endured the same appalling conditions as the soldiers they administered to and in the course of carrying out their unenviable duties many of them were killed or wounded.
LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents assert that there is a tendency far more pronounced among heterosexual men and boys than among heterosexual women and girls to ‘homophobia’ which in the case of men they claim typically manifests as acts of violence perpetrated against homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders. Not suprisingly this claim has much in common with the tendentious assertion by radical feminists that so-called gender violence (which of course heterosexual women, lesbians, homosexuals and transgenders do not commit) is running rampant and unchecked throughout society as if women, transgenders and homosexual men are in constant danger of random violent or sexual assault (or both at the hands of enraged heterosexual men) or who are at least severely inhibited in their daily lives by the threat of it. Proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project communicate their false solidarity and claim common cause with women by screaming hysterically about the single most important grievance they can claim to share not only with their feminist sisters, but with all women who are invited to take it for granted that homosexual men, women and transgenders are not violent and face a common threat from heterosexual men who are. To keep women on side, LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents insinuate that heterosexual men are a threat to society (absent among homosexual men, ‘toxic masculinity’ is inexplicably widespread among heterosexual men and boys) and must be feminized in order to ameliorate the danger they present. It is true that in the main homosexual men neither sexually (by definition) nor violently assault women and girls, but it is also true they do plenty of both to boys and each other. No one should be in any doubt that the perpetrators of violent and sexual assault against homosexual men are overwhelmingly other homosexual men.
Homosexuals have appropriated and assiduously promote the word gay, the meaning of which every adult knows has nothing whatsoever to do with sexuality. Its use serves to eliminate or suppress negative perceptions, neutralizing any revulsion, disapproval or antipathy felt by heterosexual men and women and is calculated to invoke among children in particular approval for something benign and commendable (although it is not evident exactly what that something is). The word gay is deployed to provide linguistic camouflage for sexual behaviour which is considered by most heterosexual men to be degenerate and morally repugnant despite the propaganda extolling the ‘virtues’ of homosexuality and the risk of being censured by proponents of the LGBTPEDO agenda (as harbouring an attitude which is not ‘politically correct’ and by implication offensive and reprehensible) and also ironically, many gullible and misguided heterosexual women and girls.
It should not go unacknowledged that most fathers and grandfathers (who are well aware that it is largely beyond their control) do not want their sons and grandsons (or daughters and grandaughters) to be homosexual (or lesbian), not because they are concerned that their children and grandchildren might be marginalized and suffer social and economic disadvantage at the hands of a disapproving heterosexual majority, but because they quite naturally regard homosexuality as repugnant and notwithstanding in vitro fertilization and surrogacy or adoption, a serious obstacle to their children and grandchildren conceiving children of their own.
Heterosexual men in general, in stark contrast to a significantly large number of heterosexual women and girls do not knowingly form friendships, become socially intimate and as far as is practicably possible avoid associating with homosexual men who for the most part feel antipathy for heterosexual men in much the same way, although this does not present itself as a psychological barrier or impediment to the unreciprocated sexual attraction homosexual men feel for heterosexual men who do not want to become the object of or feature in the private sexual fantasies (for which most feel revulsion and disgust) of homosexual men, much less be party to a sexual liaison or relationship with one. It is this knowledge which prompts heterosexual men to avoid or at least minimize social interactions with homosexual men who are acutely sensitve to this and paradoxically feel resentment not for the disinclination of heterosexual men to form friendships with them, but because heterosexual men are sexually unavailable to them. This is of course the unmentionable crux of the matter for which a disappointingly large number of women and girls are at great pains not to recognize and whose disapproval for the disdain and revulsion heterosexual men commonly express among themselves for homosexuality is misguided and would better be directed at many homosexual men (pederasts) who are alive to any opportunity to deceive and manipulate boys too young and immature to be aware or suspect the concealed sexual motivations for the attention paid to them by pederasts who know that young boys do not have the accuity or presence of mind to recognize the threat of sexual predation posed to them and who are not psychologically or physically equipped to forestall.
In common with the proponents of radical feminist ideology, proponents of the LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ agenda use ‘weaponized’ language to silence criticism of their social and political aspirations. Widely permeating the mainstream, diseminated and propagated by mass media and now in common use, the big guns in their arsenal of ‘weaponized’ language, the terms ‘homophobic’, ‘transphobic’ and ‘homotransphobic’ are typically used by proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project in disingenuous references to opponents who level criticism for which no effective refutation or counter argument can be offered. The heterosexual individual who refuses to indulge or validate the psychological aberrations and delusions of transgenders is pathologically maladjusted and therefore suffering from the mental disorder of ‘transphobia’. Likewise, the heterosexual individual who regards the sexual orientation of homosexuals as deviant is also pathologically maladjusted, but in that case is suffering from ‘homophobia’. Of course individuals who express revulsion for homosexuality or transgenderism are invariably disapproving of both and ipso facto suffer from ‘homotransphobia’. That being the case, it is hard to see what purpose is served by the other two terms since this third one makes them redundant. However, when this reactionary ‘psychiatric diagnostic methodology’ is stood on its head and applied to homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals, pederasts and paedophiles their shared predispositon to exhibit a deeply ingrained antipathy, if not pathological hostility toward heterosexuals may be reasonably interpreted as being indicative of a state of psychological maladjustment or ‘heterophobia’.
‘Weaponized’ terminology is used to disparage and impugn those who have the temerity to challenge LGBTPEDO propaganda which having received the validating endorsement of goverment, mass media and academia has thereby been miraculously invested with an unimpeachable political and moral authority to which any challenge or manifestation of resistance is deemed reprehensible and offensive to public sensibilities and is not therefore ‘politically correct’ thus warranting condemnation and censure in the interests of preventing the corruption of public morals. The expression of dissent in the face of such political and moral authority (the substance, cogency or simple truth of the rhetorical content is arbitrarilly treated as irrelevant and cynically disregarded) is automatically repudiated as ‘hatespeech’ and ipso facto a reckless and anti-social act which must be strenuously suppressed and opponents of the LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ agenda who voice it regarded as socially maladjusted and morally corrupt. In this way, to speak of or write something which is true, but which compromises or is prejudicial to anything receiving government endorsement or sanction becomes an act of sedition, a criminal offence punishable under the law.
In the face of the relentless barrage of mind-bending LGBTPEDO propaganda, stating what should be obvious to every sane adult has become a necessity. The vastly overwhelming majority (98%) of the world’s population is and always has been heterosexual. This single undeniable fact unequivocally establishes heterosexuality as the social norm without which human reproduction would not be possible. The ‘weaponized’ term ‘cisgender’, freely bandied about by the proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project has been coined to redefine the heterosexual population in relation to what it is not, that is to say not transgender. In any event the term is superfluous and as yet rarely if ever used by heterosexual men and women to denote or describe themselves. Nevertheless, proponents of the LGBTPEDO agenda would have the heterosexual majority believe that human sexuality should be viewed as a ‘spectrum’ of sexual behaviour in which heterosexuality features as just one of several kinds, intrinsically no different to any other and therefore no better or worse. The term ‘cisgender’ is a pernicious linguistic contrivance, the sole purpose of which is to impose a specious social and moral equivalence by dispensing with the word heterosexual, its distinguishing characteristics and the fundamental reproductive biological imperative pertaining which are the indispensable defining factors by which heterosexuality is commonly understood and establish it as the sexual orientation of the overwhelming majority and social norm. The characterization, repudiation or censure of transgenderism as unnatural or deviant and any other kind of sexual orientation in the ‘spectrum’ of human sexuality concocted by the proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project becomes untenable since the fundamental qualitative differences and distinctions existing between heterosexuality and transgenderism, homosexuality, lesbianism or bisexuality (and pederasty or paedophilia) cannot be drawn, thus paving the way for the acceptance of sexual behaviour which is inimical to normal human sexuality.
Figuratively speaking the term ‘hatespeech’ is the last word in ‘weaponized’ language. It is like an Orwellian Newspeak word used to induce at its best effect feelings of revulsion, thoughts of moral reproval, outrage and ultimately censure. The term ‘hatespeech’ is the mental cosh, the verbal blunt instrument wielded against anyone who voices proscribed thoughts and asks inconvenient questions deemed dangerous because they conflict with the prevailing reactionary social orthodoxy which underpins the political dictat of a self-seeking, self-obsessed, pathologically amoral and ruthless patrician class. The term ‘hatespeech’ is employed to discredit dissenters who are indiscriminately condemned as pariahs and commomly characterized as psychologically impaired or socially, even criminally delinquent bigots whose morally degenerate beliefs and convictions must be suppressed. This deliberate and typically crude misrepresentation is demonstrably fallacious and easily refuted, ironically only assuming veracity when used to describe the mentality of those who ply this psychologically punitive device to silence criticism of their counterfeit political mandate and stolen hegemony. This scathing ‘weaponized’ term is most definately not used by anyone genuinely in favour of free-speech, unless of course in the midst of heated argument they feel impelled to point out to their intellectually bankrupt antagonists that truth is not ‘hatespeech’. In Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) versus Whatcott, case number 33676, the Supreme Court of Canada in 2013 asserted, ‘Truthful statements can be presented in a manner that would meet the definition of hate speech, and not all truthful statements must be free from restriction. The benefits of the suppression of hate speech (truth) and its harmful effects outweigh the detrimental effect of restricting expression which, by its nature, does little to promote the values underlying freedom of expression.’ Clearly, the claims of the first sentence are specious and reactionary, while the second sentence is part pernicious sophistry and part unintelligible doubletalk.
The term ‘hatespeech’ is routinely used to silence anyone who reveals truths which lay bare the perfidy, mendacity and hypocrisy of those grasping and morally corrupt constituencies within society whose reward for their complicity in sustaining state tyranny has been the elevation of their civil status to the level of a privileged social and political class. This wholesale enlistment of favoured constituencies by government falsely lends legitimacy to their devisive claims of entitlement and outrageous self-serving demands for preferential treatment which they continue to receive. Taken together these preferred constituencies who jealously guard their state sanctioned privileges constitute an amorphous vassal class from which ranks the political (and professional) shock-troops of the state apparatus are recruited. It is almost exclusively the role of this class to promulgate and execute the totalitarian programme of social engineering prescribed by their political masters who at the very highest levels are not professional politicians and whose power is far greater. Germany provides a classic example. Despite public condemnation of homosexuality by ‘party’ patrons and prominent ideologues of the Hitler Youth movement, homosexual liaisons were common place if not widespread among its members. Moreover, the leadership of the Sturmabteilung (aka Brown Shirts), the National Socialist party’s ‘private’ militia established in 1921 was exclusively homosexual. No heterosexual recruits among the rank and file membership (which had risen to a remarkable three million men by the time Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933) were ever promoted beyond corporal. Homosexuals and pederasts occupied every rank from sergeant all the way up to and including the militia’s chief of staff. This gives new meaning to the word nazi.
The repugnance and widespread contempt felt for LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ ideology among heterosexual men and women who regard it as pernicious and resent having their children indoctrinated with it in schools persists. However, right across the board, magazine, newspaper, online, radio and television news output is saturated with LGBTPEDO propaganda, a mass media campaign in the service of a worldwide social engineering programme the like of which has never been known before. Television news is leading the charge with English language broadcasters in the vanguard. ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX and BBC output among others has matastasized, taking the form of a relentless assault on the minds of unsuspecting viewers who remain ignorant of the fact that they are being subjected to mass psychological conditioning (neurolinguistic progamming) aimed at establishing a collective mind-set sympathetic to the LGBTPEDO social project and who in their millions are astonishingly still unaware that almost all of the news anchors and reporters working for the major television networks are crypto transgenders. Alarmingly, with the connivance of national governments and the United Nations Organization (under the aegis of UN Agenda 21), the LGBTPEDO social project is being fraudulently portrayed as a heroic struggle for human rights in order to provide the political cover essential in a bid to broaden public acceptance of and eventually consolidate universal approval for aberrant, socially undesirable expressions of pathologically amoral and delusional behaviour and deviant sexual practices, effectively transforming vice into virtue by neutralizing moral and ethical resistance to its propagation and eliminating the legal constraints acting upon it. Foremost in this push for the normalization and assimilation of socially corrosive behaviour is the Trojan Horse of universal legalization of so-called same sex marriage which in north America, Europe, the Antipodese, Scandinavia and elsewhere has already taken place.
An extensive study of homosexuality carried out in 1988 and published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour (one of a raft of studies of the subject which have largely produced the same results) provides damning statistical evidence of the predisposition of homosexual men to pederasty. The study found that 86% of male paedophiles who sexually molest boys describe themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Homosexuals and lesbians (who represent approximately two percent of the population) sexually molest children at a rate twenty times that of heterosexual paedophiles. The Sentinel, one of San Francisco’s newspapers and numerous other publications which have a homosexual readership carry in their classified sections vacation and travel advertisements offering tours in Thailand, the Philippines, Burma, Sri Lanka and various other countries in which child prostitution is rampant, especially that of boys. An editorial piece in The Sentinel brazenly asserted, “The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality.” Spartacus Gay Guides, a travel guide specializing in sex tours provides information on countries where boy prostitutes can be found and lists the legal penalties incurred by individuals convicted of sexual offences against children in those countries. The International Lesbian and Gay Association (which has over 620 affiliate organizations) and the National Coalition of Gay Organizations have both passed policy resolutions in favour of the elimination of laws prescribing a minimum age of sexual consent. As a result of political pressure from the US Congress in 1995, the United Nations Non-Government Organization consultative status of the International Lesbian and Gay Association was rescinded because a number of its affiliate organizations were promoting paedophilia (and continue to do so). In an attempt to secure reinstatement of its NGO consultative status, the International Lesbian and Gay Association expelled the North American Man Boy Love Association (whose membership is comprised of pederasts), but refused to expel a half dozen more paedophile organizations. The UN ban has not been lifted, yet.
Inevitably, in the wake of the enactment of so-called same sex marriage legislation another ‘rights’ campaign will be launched, one aimed at achieving a considerable reduction in the age of consent. Presumably, justified by legal precedent based on psychological and clinical assessments made by psychiatrists and medical professionals who have previously affirmed the mental competence of children as young as five who ‘independently ellect’ to undergo something as phisiologically extreme and psychologically far-reaching as so-called gender reassignment, it will be argued that it is reasonble to assume such children are more than competent and well able to understand the gravity of any decision they might make to consent to engage in sexual relations. However, under the rubric of equal rights legislation failure to extend the ‘privilege’ to non-transgender children could be legally construed as unfairly discriminatory, there being no reason to suppose they are not equally competent and on that basis legislation mandating a considerable reduction of the age of consent for all children could be enacted. Consequently, if children are regarded as being sufficiently psychologically and emotionally competent to understand the gravity of any decision they might make to consent to engage in sexual relations, they are by extension competent to consent to featuring in pornography.
While the Fortune Five Hundred media and publishing behemoths loudly hawk corporate government propaganda as news, their subsidiaries quietly rake in on their behalf billion dollar profits generated from the international sales and distribution of online (for Google and Yahoo the revenue stream dwarfs all others combined), CD, television and magazine pornography which is warping the minds and contaminating the human spirit of untold millions of chronically addicted men, women and children who psychologically enslaved by its stupifying effects are being desensitized by ever more widely diseminated and increasingly degenerate content. Furthermore, the banking corporations which own the media corporations are busy filling their coffers to overflowing with the ‘fees’ from laundering billion dollar profits generated by international narco, child and sex trafficking, prostitution, arms smuggling, gambling rackets and many other lucrative criminal enterprises besides.
There is a continuing and unprecedented increase in the number of divorces between married couples and separations of unmarried heterosexual partners. In both cases a legion of children are being dislodged from their families by the courts and inducted into state ‘childcare’ institutions. The hue and cry which came from LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents for the legalization of so-called same sex marriage (not same gender?) coincided with steeply declining birth and fertility rates (which continue most notably in north America, Europe and Japan) and year on year record numbers of aborted pregnancies and permanently missing children, many of whom after running away from home are abducted and forced into prostitution and the production of pornography. As for the rest, they are stolen from their families primarily for those purposes. Random abductions without doubt account for many disappearances. The proportion of the total number of disappearances such cases represent is of course unknown, but for the number remaining, no matter how large or small that may be, child sex-trafficking (and the clandestine ‘adoption’ of stolen children) is the reason for it. Unmarried individuals with no ‘common law’ spouse or partner, regardless of whether they were men, women, transgender, lesbian, homosexual or heterosexual, traditionally (exceptions were rare) did not qualify and in general did not apply to government registered agencies to become adoptive guardians. The majority of homosexual men are unlikely to be fathers by reason of their sexual orientation (and obviously by not having heterosexual relationships tend not to have children) and rarely take previously conceived children with them to either a subsequent homosexual liaison or so-called same sex marriage because divorce and family courts almost always award custody of children to mothers.
In the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, throughout Europe, Scandinavia and elsewhere the major television news networks fall over themselves in the scramble to give air time to any and all proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project. Naturally in this insufferable mass media manufactured clamour, the voices of LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents are always the loudest and longest heard. They gravely expound on the political deficiencies of governments who have as yet not acceded to enact the ‘rights’ legislation they demand. They solemnly extoll the many and varied reasons why society has a moral obligation to relieve the discrimination, humiliation and social stigma suffered by responsible and law-abiding lesbian and homosexual citizens. They bitterly complain of the long and cruel denial of their human rights and speak proudly of their valiant crusade to win social justice and equality under the law. Proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project well understand the radical changes to family law that so-called same sex marriage demands and are acutely aware that the reform of adoption laws is crucial to the furtherance of their social project. Whether married or unmarried, heterosexual unions can and invariably do produce children, whereas lesbian and homosexual couples do not. Surrogacy and in vitro fertilization have long since been widely available to unmarried same sex couples, but adoption has not. Previously reserved for married and unmarried heterosexual couples, full rights of adoption (by far the most common way of becoming a permanent legal guardian of a child) have been extended to lesbian, homosexual and transgender couples under cover of so-called same sex marriage legislation.
Heterosexual men and women are being compelled by force of law to submit to the irrational demands of a mentally unhinged and politically dangerous minority whose delusional assertions, given sanction by government have incomprehensibly and against all reason superceded truth and supplanted reality. This deeply disturbing state of affairs where sophistry and legal fiction override fact brings to mind Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty Four in which the socially and politically ‘delinquent’ Winston Smith (who for the purposes of social rehabilitation) is forcibly subjected to psychological re-education (torture and brainwashing) by the state until he finally, while under extreme duress affirms that two plus two equals five. Winston Smith is an inmate and the world in which he lives is an asylum, a place where facts have ceased to be the measure of truth and truth is no longer the means by which reality is defined.
There is a growing and for the most part unidentifiable pathologically delusional constituency within society whose very survival depends on the widespread acceptance of the gender inversion of children and the aberrant, socially undesirable behaviour and perverse eugenic ideals associated with it. For a century the bio-mechanical comic book and movie personification of the transhuman has been the android, but the cabalists’ divine being the androgyne (hermaphrodite), not man and machine combined, but man and woman combined is the embodiment of it. On July 19th 2016, the United States government enacted legislation allowing transgenders (female to male and male to female) to enlist in the US army, navy and airforce. The Department of Defense published a ‘sexual identity military manual’ in which it states, “effective immediately, no otherwise qualified service member may be involuntarily separated, discharged or denied re-enlistment or continuation of service solely on the basis of their gender identity.” The manual goes on to relate the official procedure to be followed by any member of the US armed forces who wishes to undergo a so-called sex change operation at government (taxpayer) expense.
“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. The family unit, spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants. The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men. We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.” The preceding excerpt taken from the article commonly referred to as The Gay Manifesto was written by Michael Swift and published in Gay Community News of February 15th – 21st, 1987 and subsequently entered into the Congressional Record of the United States.
Social scientists and feminists have long misrepresented patriarchy as a form of social domination and control of women attributable to the male population as a whole, but close examination and dispassionate analysis of the phenomenon reveals that it has always been engendered and sustained by a pathologically mysoginistic, amoral and utterly ruthless patrician class of crypto female to male transgender (and male to female) impostors, pederasts and homosexual men who occupy the highest offices of the state apparatus, banking, industry, commerce and mass media and in concert secretly operate as a homo-satanic (Sabbatean) ruling cabal by means of a broad coalition of secret societies (a criminal substructure), the worldwide brotherhood of freemasons foremost among them. Moreover, this homo-satanic cult has historically used heterosexual women as a social, economic and political bulwark against the serious existential threat heterosexual men and boys pose to its elaborately camouflaged hegemony. Patriarchy is and always has been the oppressive manifestation of a diabolical world order inflicted on society by this transnational-transgender patrician class (its victims being both male and female) whose paradoxical envy and contempt for the reproductive capacity of women is the impetus which continues to drive its biologists in a frenetic and long standing, but as yet fruitless search for the artificial means by which the reproductive role of women might ultimately be dispensed with.
In his book Political Ponerology written in 1984 Andrew M. Lobaczewski warns, “There have always been ‘society pedagogues’ who have become fascinated by their own great ideas, which might sometimes even be true, but are more often constricted or contained by the taint of some hidden pathological thought processes. Such people have always striven to impose pedagogical methods which would impoverish and deform the development of individuals’ and societies’ psychological world view. They inflict permanent harm upon societies, depriving them of universally useful values. By claiming to act in the name of a more valuable idea, such pedagogues actually undermine the values they profess and open the door for desructive ideologies. A hidden network of mutually ramified pathological conspiracies exists. It is a secret criminal substructure which repeatedly produces psychopaths obsessed with dreams of seizing power and imposing their will upon society. Such men, so far removed from the main social structure will always participate in the genesis of that evil which spares no nation. Relentlessly they seek to destroy the structural forms of society worked out by history and replace them with repressive social systems inimical to humankind, systems within which their authority is maintained by force.”
The first American Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was established in 1717. However in 1848 the establishment by the Rothschilds and Montefiores of B’nai B’rith (Constitutional Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of the Covenant aka Blood of the Chosen) which from inception covertly functioned as a secret intelligence gathering agency, control of american freemasonry was no longer in the hands of the anglo-saxon establishment whose legacy it was. Judah P. Benjamin, a British subject, agent of the Rothschild’s and principal founding member who became the first leader of B’nai B’rith was instrumental in the organization’s amalgamation with the Knights of the Golden Circle, another branch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The financial and political reach produced by the amalgamation was long enough not only to provide the planning and logistical foundation for the military training of lodge members and supporters who swelled the ranks of infantrymen enlisted in the Confederate army, but crucially the political leadership of the Confederacy came from among B’nai B’rith’s senior members. During the final phase of the war between the states, Judah P. Benjamin then Secretary of War for the Confederacy was appointed Secretary of State. Before the war the greatest existential threat to the slave states had been slave rebellion and the greatest preoccupation of the governing class was its suppression. Judah P. Benjamin enlisted Confederate army general Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (southern jurisdiction from 1859 until 1891) who significantly was also a Jesuit priest and Dr. Kuttner Baruch (grandfather of Bernard Baruch, anglophile and prominent Wall Street financier) another Rothschild agent and future leader of B’nai B’rith in a plan to establish a paramilitary force whose raison d’etre would be the suppression of slave rebellion and the capture of runaways. These three men in an audacious conspiracy with others planned the assassination of president Abraham Lincoln.
John Wilkes Booth, only twenty six years old, but already a 33rd degree freemason was the secret agent charged by the masters of the Knights of the Golden Circle to carry out the mission to kill Lincoln. The cover-up was directed by 33rd degree freemason Edwin Stanton, Lincoln's traitorous Secretary of War who ordered blockades of all the roads out of Washington DC, except for the one that Booth used to escape. Although allegedly killed at the climax of a twelve day chase, Booth in fact made good his getaway and fled to England. A state-wide police and army dragnet delivered eight defendants (Samuel Arnold, George Atzerodt, David Herold, Samuel Mudd, Michael O'Laughlen, Lewis Powell, Edmund Spangler and Mary Surratt) for trial of which four (O'Laughlen, Arnold, Mudd and Spangler) were convicted and sent to prison where in 1867 O'Laughlen died of yellow fever. His surviving counterparts were pardoned in1869 by Lincoln's successor, ex-vice president Andrew Johnson. The other four defendants (Powell, Herold, Atzerodt and Surratt) went to the gallows without rancour and dutifully swung for the sake of Dixie.
During the hearings of the military commission examining the circumstances surrounding Lincoln’s assassination convened in Washington DC in May and June 1865, Lord Palmerston, a 33rd degree freemason and british prime minister, Judah P. Benjamin (the ‘voice’ of the London freemason bankers who ordered and financed the assassination) and Jacob Thompson, a former Confederate Secretary for the Interior (who withdrew 180 thousand dollars from the Bank of Montreal in Canada to fund the operation) were all directly implicated in the conspiracy. The upshot was the Knights of the Golden Circle were exposed, so they changed their name and became the Ku Klux Klan. In any event, Lincoln's assassination saw the Confederacy on its knees. By then, beleaguered and in ruins the South was as good as beaten, its decimated army near dead on its feet so long in retreat before the advancing legions of its mortal enemy and the promise of a crushing defeat. The assassination of president Lincoln was on its face the defining act in the life of John Wilkes Booth whose name and reputation would thereafter live on in infamy. A diminutive, energetic figure (just over five feet six inches tall) with whiskers, Booth was in fact a female eonist (crypto transgender) who jealously guarded not only the secrets of a high ranking freemason, but also carefully concealed her female identity by effecting a virile masculine persona with the skill of the accomplished actress she was.
In his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry published in 1871, Albert Pike reveals that freemasonry “conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it.” Pike goes on to write that a low ranking freemason “is intentionally misled by false interpretations (of masonic symbols). It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.” He continues, “What the Chiefs of the Order really believed and taught is indicated to the Adepts by the hints contained in the high degrees of Free-masonry.” Pike further explains that “The symbols and ceremonies of Masonry have more than one meaning. They rather conceal than disclose the Truth. They hint it only.” He states that an initiate “commemorates in sacramental observance this mysterious passion; and while partaking of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a fresh draught from the fountain of universal life.” Pike twice iterates that phallic worship is a fundamental part of the “Ancient Mysteries of Freemasonry” and refering to the initiation of a new member writes, ”he mingles with the crowd of Initiates, and crowned with flowers, celebrates with them the holy orgies.” Clearly antipathetic to women, freemasonry is secretly approving of homosexuality. Carl Claudy, New York Herald journalist, 33rd degree member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and author cryptically states in his book Introduction to Freemasonry that “The real secrets of Masonry are never told, not even mouth to ear. For the real secret of Masonry is spoken to your heart, and from it to that of your brother (freemason). Never the language made for tongue may speak it; it is uttered only in the language of the eye, in those manifestations of that love which a man has for his friend, which passeth all other loves, even that of woman.” In his book Albert Pike cryptically asserts, “The love of woman cannot die out; and it has a terrible and uncontrollable fate.”
This homo-satanic cult and its criminal proxies have established or covertly subverted every political, financial, legal, medical, educational, social, military, religious, commercial, scientific and art institution in its relentless pursuit of the absolute psychological and physical enslavement of the people of the world. Rothschild, Warburg, Sassoon, Schiff, Mellon, Baruch, Harriman, Montefiore, Oppenheimer and Rockefeller are just a few of the names of the banking family dynasties, overlords and inheritors of a luciferian creed conceived by pharisaic cabalists who early surmised that by arrogating to themselves a monopoly to create money as debt (the Money Power) the world and everything in it would three millenia hence belong to their heirs who for at least the last two hundred years have been the primary sponsors and often intermarried financial patrons of the royal houses of Europe and beyond.
In Tales of the British Aristocracy published in 1957, L. G. Pine (editor of Burkes Peerage) writes, "Jews have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also." In 1812, on his deathbed in Frankfurt, Germany, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s infamous last words to his sons were, “Remember my children, all the earth must belong to us Jews, the Goyim being mere excrement of animals must possess nothing.” In the Zohar (cabalistic commentary on the Torah) Vayshlah 177b states, “The Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful. All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. A Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.” In a letter written in 1879 to brother freemason Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, alias Karl Marx (author of the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital), rabid talmudist Baruch Levy notoriously declared, “The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of the races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order, the ‘Children of Israel’ will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which it is said that when the messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands (published in the Rothschild controlled La Revue de Paris, June 1st 1928).
It is no coincidence that the Noahide code (in which the rabbinical commentary asserts there are eight genders including male and female) and so-called gay pride are symbolized by a rainbow flag. That flag flies outside the United Nations headquarters in New York City and from the rooftops of United States (and many other countries') embassies and consulate buildings all over the world. Formally ratified by the majority of UN member states, the Noahide code, the quasi-theocratic foundation of the New World Order has been established as the ultimate system of universal legal arbitration, superceding without exception all other forms of national and international jurisprudence. On March 26th 1991 the US Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation that was passed by both houses. Congress and the president George Bush (senior) indicated in Public Law 102-114, 102nd Congress that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah and that these laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.
In his book Judaism’s Strange Gods Michael A. Hoffman writes, “Under the Talmud counterfeit Noahide Law the worship of Jesus is forbidden under penalty of death since such worship of Christ is condemned by Judaism as idolatry. Meanwhile, various forms of incest are permitted under the Talmud understanding of the Noahide code (Enziklopediya Talmudit, note 1, pp. 351-352). US presidents and Congress urged the adoption of Noahide Law as interpreted by Chabad Lubavitch Grand Rabbi Schneerson. The Jewish Encyclopedia envisages a Noahide regime as a world order immediately preceding the universal reign of the Talmud. Maimónides ruled that it is a Jewish court or a court appointed by Jewish authority that enforces obedience and passes judgment on Gentiles as well as promulgating legislation by court order for that purpose. Maimónides also decreed that any non-Jewish nation 'not subject to our jurisdiction' (tahaht yadeinu) will be the target of Jewish holy war. Furthermore, all non-Jews would have the legal status of ger toshav (‘resident alien’, cf. Alan Unterman, Dictionary of Jewish Lore and Legend [London: Thames and Hudson, 1991], p. 148), even in their own land; as for example in occupied Palestine where newly arrived Khazars from Russia have an automatic right to housing and citizenship, while two million Palestinian refugees who either fled or were expelled by the Israelis are forbidden the right of return. Resident alien status has been clearly delineated in scholarly articles in leading Jewish publications. For example, Hebrew University professor Mordechai Nisan, basing his exposition on Maimónides stated that 'a non-Jew permitted to reside in a land ruled by Jewish law must accept paying a tax and suffering the humiliation of servitude. If Gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence.' [cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August 1984, pp. 151-156].”
In a private meeting with US president Woodrow Wilson (a high ranking crypto freemason whose term in office ran from 1913 until 1921), Colonel Edward Mandell-House, Harvard professor of law, 33rd degree freemason and long-standing senior asset of the Rothschild international banking cartel (who prior to being appointed chief political adviser to the president was an executive officer at Warburg Brothers bank on Wall Street) confidently asserted, “Soon every american will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and it will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology we can compel people to submit to our agenda which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every american will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever by operation of the law merchant (Maritime Admiralty Law) under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and if by accident one or two would figure it out we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every american a contributor to this fraud which we will call Social Insurance. Without realizing it, every american will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner every american will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office of the president of our dummy corporation (USA) to foment this plot against America.”
Mandell-House lobbied hard for the creation of a central bank independent of government control during his time as an executive officer at Warburg Brothers bank. Sponsored by president Wilson the US Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Mandell-House was instrumental in the subsequent selection of the Federal Reserve’s board of directors. Under the terms of the charter the central bank, slated to guarantee liquidity of the entire United States banking system assumed exclusive rights to issue dollar currency for circulation as US ‘legal tender’ (which was and still is not redeemable for gold or silver). Only political conspiracy can explain how a criminal cabal of freemasons could conjure money from the ether then lend it to the US government and the rest of the world at interest. Almost before the ink on the charter of the Federal Reserve was dry the cartel board judiciously extended a generous line of credit to the United States government in support of what amounted to an undeclared and officially unsanctioned fiscal programme of continuous budget deficit finance. This was the lamentable beginning of the federal government’s permanent state of indebtedness to the privately owned and controlled US central bank. A massive new stream of revenue was required in order to service what would become ever spiralling interest repayments due on the line of credit. However, the US government had stealthily introduced universal ‘income tax’ months in advance of the passing of the Federal Reserve Act for that very reason and tasked the Internal Revenue Service (the operation of which has never received congressional ratification and is therefore illegal) to collect (some will rightly say extort) it.
In 1913 Warburg Brothers bank was pre-eminent among the twelve member board of the newly chartered Federal Reserve. Thirty seven years later at a senate committee hearing in Washington DC Paul Warburg the managing director of Warburg Brothers bank and grandson of its founder told the committee members, “We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” In a parallel universe on the day the Federal Reserve Act lapsed, a United States government plan to permanently default on servicing the fictional multi-trillion dollar national debt and withdraw Federal Reserve ‘legal tender’ from circulation, replacing it with interest free US treasury issued dollar currency would have been the single most talked about subject among americans (if not the whole world) who for months since learning of the coming change and impatient for the historic day to arrive would have been happily anticipating the long overdue demise of the Federal Reserve. On that day americans in their millions would take to the streets of towns and cities all over the United States in wild celebration of their good fortune and high hopes for the future after suffering four generations of criminal usury at the hands of the thieves at the Federal Reserve and their irredeemably corrupt political proxies within the United States government. Predictably in the real world americans had more ‘important’ things on their minds that day and so did practically everyone else in the world who also did not spill out of their homes to dance in the streets. On the 25th of September 2013 the Federal Reserve’s fifth consecutive twenty year US government license to issue and supply ‘legal tender’ expired. In the absence of any serious congressional opposition or public protest against the legislation (just like on each of the four previous occasions the license was up for renewal) the United States government discreetly rubber stamped the Federal Reserve’s license to counterfeit US dollar currency for another generation.
The great swindle of ‘fractional reserve lending’ is the miraculous creation of money (credit) when loans are extended by clearing banks to borrowers. The concept is arcane and counter intuitive. Before the loan principal is borowed (like the debt it later becomes) it literally does not exist and the extra money necessary to pay the interest on the loan principal after it is created will never exist. The total amount of money circulating throughout the economy, no matter how much that may be is always less than the total amount of debt the economy supports. Clearing bank loans are not drawn on depositors’ funds, neither are they drawn on cash reserves generated by interest on loan repayments or any other streams of revenue. Clearing banks create by ‘legal fiction’ the money required to make loans in the amount of eight to ten times the value of deposits they hold, depending on the limit specified by the central bank of the country in which they are trading or block of countries as is the case with the European Central Bank. Much in the same vein, the Bank of International Settlements (better known as the 'central bank of central banks') in Basel, Switzerland is the overall controlling institution, promulgating fiscal policies favourable to the wider economic, political and social objectives of its owner, the Rothschild international banking cartel.
Loan principal does not exist until it is credited to a borrower’s account, however the money necessary to pay the interest subsequently due on it is never created. In this way default on loan repayments is induced throughout the system creating a continuous transfer of assets from debtors (borrowers) to banks as forfeited loan collateral in the form of houses, factories, businesses, land, farms and many other kinds of real wealth. The central bank issues the currency, sets the limit on how many more times the amount of deposits clearing banks are authorized to lend and it fixes interest rates. When banks want to make loans they buy the cash required from the central bank at a discounted price of less than one per cent of face value. Virtually free money. The central bank spends the money it receives on paper, printing, cash distribution, payroll, administrative overheads and associated running costs. When a borrower repays the loan principal plus the interest due on it settling a debt, the bank pays back the cash it bought from the central bank which withdraws it from circulation leaving the (clearing) bank with the interest (cash) generated by the loan. The banks recover the cost of the ‘new money’ they buy from the central bank by deducting that sum from the interest (cash) their loans generate leaving the balance outstanding as gross profit.
The day the United States government incorporated the Federal Reserve it entered into a hundred year long criminal conspiracy with an international freemasonic syndicate of counterfeiters to impoverish and demoralize the people of America. Ever since that time US banks have been fleecing borrowers (not only americans) by extending interest bearing loans, money they never had, do not have now and which does not exist until they lend it. It is a testament to the enduring power of the cabalist matrix of deception that the racket of debt (money) creation cannot be counted among the causes of violent rebellion and the subsequent execution of any number of despotic kings, presidents and potentates who throughout history have paid with their lives for committing crimes less egregious than ‘fractional reserve lending’.
Thirteen years after the establishment of the US Federal Reserve, Montagu Norman, Knight of the Garter, 33rd degree freemason and longest serving governor of the Bank of England did not mince his words while disclosing the iniquitous character and objectives of the New World Order in a disturbing speech he gave to delegates attending the International Banker’s Conference in New York city. Norman spoke with the insufferable arrogance of a man who knew without a shadow of doubt that he would never be brought to book for his sorry part in an ancient worldwide conspiracy against God and humanity. To be sure, his despicable and unbridled hubris was not wasted on his confederates when he said, “Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished.”
Josiah Stamp, a director of the Bank of England from 1928 until his death in 1941 was reputed to be the second richest man in England. He broke ranks with the Rothschild cabal, publicly repudiating the creation of money as debt saying, “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”
Known as the Banker’s Manifesto, US Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session 1934 states, “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.” The articles of incorporation of the International Monetary Fund (established jointly by the governments of the United States, Britain and France) were adopted at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire on the 22nd of July 1944. In Sections 1 to 9 of Article IX the charter states, “The Fund shall possess full juridical personality. Shall have immunity from judicial process. Property and assets of the Fund, wherever located and by whomever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation, or any other form of seizure by (government) executive or legislative action. The archives shall be held inviolable. All property and assets shall be free from restrictions, regulations, controls, and moratoria of any nature. The officers and personnel shall be immune from legal processes, immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements, and national service obligations; shall be immune from taxation and customs duties, immune from liability for taxes and duties. No taxation of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security, dividend or interest of the Fund.”
The worldwide brotherhood of freemasons role in the perpetration of probably the most audacious and incredible hoax in recorded history cannot be understated. Notwithstanding the massive financial and human resources available to NASA, after fifty years stolidly working to maintain the deception, continuing to do so is proving to be beyond the ‘space’ agency’s ability. NASA is suffering a hidden crisis. The sheer weight of historical, political, cultural and especially ‘scientific’ fabrications accumulated since the staging of the Apollo moon landings by NASA is threatening to bring the whole house down. Established shortly after the end of World War Two, thick with american freemasons and their ‘de-nazified’ Thule Society brothers of the ‘craft’, all ex-military scientists and engineers led by Wernher von Braun (33rd degree freemason and ex-SS officer credited with inventing the V2 rocket-propelled long range missile for Germany and the Apollo programme’s Saturn Five rocket) who were secretly transported to the United States by the Department of Defence in order to exploit their unparalleled expertise in rocket and jet engine technology developed for the German military. The technology dictates that rocket engines burn liquid or solid fuel in air to generate propulsive thrust. The super-heated gases produced by the combustion process are drawn under pressure through expansion chambers (instantaneously amplifying the explosive power), before being expelled in a continuous blast via exhausts. Ambient air acts as a fulcrum offering atmospheric resistance to engine thrust, thus the rocket is propelled through a trajectory in the opposite direction. Paradoxically, 'scientific' orthodoxy postulates that 'space' is a cosmic vacuum, frozen, limitless and devoid of atmosphere. If that is the case, rocket engines are worse than useless as a means of spacecraft propulsion, because the absence of an atmosphere predicates the absence of a fulcrum. Moreover, without air combustion is impossible.
The reason why NASA would go to such extraordinary lengths to plan, execute and subsequently attempt to permanently maintain the deception of the faked moon landings has long since become clear. Prior to the staging of the hoax no photographs, video or film footage of the (spherical) Earth existed. The ‘scientific’ establishment, the military, the government of the United States and a slew of powerful american (and international) institutions and corporations with a vested interest in the consolidation of what was already the ubiquitously held belief that the Earth is one of eight planets which as they rotate, orbit the sun in the frozen vacuum of ‘space’. A photograph taken from ‘space’ of the Earth would constitute proof that it is a planet and by extension confirm the existence of the heliocentric solar system, the cosmological foundation of cabalism and freemasonry. The original photographs produced by NASA depicting a spherical Blue Earth suspended in the darkness of ‘space’ have like the rest of the surviving photographs, video and film footage of the Apollo missions to the moon been irrefutably exposed as fake. The photographs, video and film footage of the moon walks (infamous for being enacted on a soudstage) have aged badly and in comparison with current computer generated images are primitive and thoroughly unconvincing. Furthermore, specimens of so-called moon rock have proven to be of terrestrial origin.
Without exception (China’s Mars mission is a blatant hoax) every national ‘space’ agency is party to this ongoing deception while the glamourous private and ostensibly independent ‘space’ ventures most famously sponsored by Elon Musk and Richard Branson have been fabricated to reinforce it. The marketing campaign video of the Red Bull high altitude (balloon) skydive was a typical example of the use of a ‘fish eye’ camera lens which produces convex (or concave) curvature of the horizon. Just before the jump and prior to the mounting of a ‘fish eye’ camera lens by the Red Bull skydiver the flat horizon of the Earth is clearly visible through the open hatch of the capsule. Even a cursory examination of the many and varied images of Planet Earth competing for every inch of screen space on the NASA website (and those of its international counterparts) reveals that without exception they are computer generted images (as NASA has been forced to concede), not photographs. It is worth repeating that no photogragh, video or film footage exists of the Earth in its entirety. No genuine photographic image depicting the Earth as a globe, sphere, ball, oblate spheroid or anything else exists. There is no definitive photograph of 'Planet Earth' and neither NASA nor any other ‘space’ agency has produced one because none have ever been taken.
The claims made by so-called astrophysicists for the existence of ‘black holes’ and ‘dark matter’ are bogus. Likewise, the equally ridiculous story of the Big Bang. Atoms are a pseudo-scientific invention and ipso facto have never been split. The theories of gravity and relativity and much more besides hang in the balance since empirical evidence of their veracity is still not forthcoming from the international ‘scientific’ establishment that any of these reputed cosmic phenomena are anything more than science fiction, calculated deceptions conjured to support and give credence to the heliocentric paradigm. Clearly, this is not a case of the erroneous application of the scientific method, but rather the wholesale rejection of it in favour of the arcane dogma of cabalistic metaphysics (essentially the substitution of superstition for science), the adherents of which are prepared to go to any lengths not to let the surfeit of contradicting facts get in the way of their quasi-religious beliefs.
In 1921 world famous theoretical physicist Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his General Theory of Relativity (published in 1919). In a lecture he gave to the students and teaching faculty (of which he became a member in 1940) of Princeton University in the United States Einstein solemnly asserted, “What we mean by relative motion in a general sense is perfectly plain to everyone. If we think of a wagon moving along a street we know that it is possible to speak of the wagon at rest and the street in motion, just as well as it is to speak of the wagon in motion and the street at rest. That however is a very special part of the ideas involved in the principle of relativity.” Einstein was not joking when he made that patently ridiculous claim, but had anyone in the audience openly laughed, they could not have been blamed for thinking he was.
Nikola Tesla, experimental physicist and electrical engineer, the inventor of revolutionary wireless technology (later suppressed) with the capacity to tap into and transmit the latent electromagnetic (free) energy in the ionosphere to ground based receivers emigrated from Croatia to the United States in 1884 where he was initially employed at the Eddison Machine Works in New York. Four years later the patents he registered for his alternating current induction motor and polyphase system for conducting electricity (now universal) were licensed to Westinghouse Electric. Tesla condemned the ‘scientific’ establishment saying, “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” Tesla did not pull his rhetorical punches when in 1935 he said, “Einstein’s relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.” Einstein’s mathematically false formulae cut no ice with Ernest Rutherford the ‘father’ of nuclear physics (after whom the chemical element 104 was named rutherfordium) who dismissed the theory of relativity as “nonsense.”
The unravelling of the hoax of the Apollo ‘space’ programme continues a pace as NASA offers up fake photographs of ‘deep space’, supposedly taken by the Hubble telescope. The image of what NASA claims is a photograph of the arrid desert-like terrain of the surface of Mars, purported to have been taken by the Mars Lander in 2015 in which a groundhog is clearly visible among rocks in the background has become notorious. That this discredited, cack-handed sepia tinted (intended to provide the appropriate colouring for the ‘red planet’) fake photograph alone has not made NASA a worldwide laughing stock is sadly a measure of the boundless credulity of the people of the world and their blind belief in the lies served up to them by a cabalistic priesthood of ‘scientists’ whose contempt for the truth is only equalled by that which they feel for the people they lie to. If they existed, the International Space Station and any number of the alleged five thousand Earth-orbiting satellites could not only take photographs proving the Earth is a planet, but could also transmit a continuous live video stream as they orbit, but they do not. The burning question then is why not? Television news interviews of crew members inside the International Space Station have repeatedly been exposed as staged, nevertheless the major television networks worldwide (all of which are knowingly complicit in the deception) continue to broadcast these enactments as real events. 'Astronauts' from around the world, people who claim to be physicists, biologists, engineers, chemists, mathematicians and other assorted ‘scientists’ (all of them freemasons) arrogantly perjur themselves as they play their roles, lying repeatedly to gullible television audiences of millions during fake video link-ups.
In Orwell’s novel 1984, deep in the bowels of the Ministry of Love, O’Brien, a criminally insane member of the elite ruling minority tortures the ‘socially delinquent’ protagonist Winston Smith with electric shocks while cruelly schooling him in the ways of the world.
“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me? The second thing for you to realize is that power is power over human beings. Over the body, but above all, over the mind. Power over matter, external reality as you would call it is not important. Already our control over matter is absolute.”
“But the whole universe is outside us. Look at the stars! Some of them are a million light-years away. They are out of our reach forever.”
“What are the stars? They are bits of fire a few kilometres away. We could reach them if we wanted to. Or we could blot them out. The earth is the centre of the universe. The sun and the stars go round it."
The (24) Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (indisputably the product of the minds of the criminally insane) reveal a generations old conspiracy to impose a talmudically inspired judeo-fascist 'new order' on the peoples of the world. Protocol no.3, in pertinent part an unequivocal statement of genocidal intent diabolically asserts, "The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labour of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the killing out of the goyim."